Wit at its best!

(This peice has been reproduced verbatim from the newsletter by Dr.Mardy Grothe. I enjoyed reading this. I hope you will too).
On July 2, 1917, Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree died at age 64 in London. The half-brother of the writer and caricaturist Max Beerbohm, he began his career as an actor and ended as the most successful theater manager in thehistory of the English stage. The founder of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, he was a prominent figure in London society and is still regarded as one of England's great wits. Throughout his life, Tree kept a small notebook which he used for keeping track of engagements. He alsoused it to record epigrams and aphorisms, many of which have become favorites of quotation lovers:
"Every man is a potential genius until he does something."
"A gentleman is one who doesn't care whether he is one or not."
"A man never knows what a fool he is until he is imitated by one."
"It is difficult to be thoroughly appreciated until one is quite dead."
"The right to misgovern themselves is the right that all nations claim."
"A committee should consist of three men, two of whom are absent."
"I was born old and get younger every day. At present I am sixty years young."
"Never impart your humor to the humorless. They will use it in evidence against you."
"Better an hour too soon than a minute too late." (on retiring from the stage)
While Tree was respected for his aphorisms, it was his quips and clever replies that made him a legend in the theatrical community. Once, while directing a group of actresses who appeared a little too worldly for theroles they were playing, he shouted out:
"Ladies, just a little more virginity, if you don't mind."
Early in his career, while performing in "Richard III," Tree delivered the famous line, "My kingdom for a horse!" Just then, a heckler in the balcony shouted, "Would a jackass do?" The quick-thinking Tree turned in the direction of the voice and said:
"Certainly. Come down and present yourself."
Another time, while walking down a London street, Tree spotted a man with a huge grandfather clock strapped to his back. The man was hunched over and appeared to be struggling mightily under the weight of the clock. Tree fell in step with the man and, after a few moments, leaned over and asked sympathetically:
"My good man, why not carry a watch?"


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