Lonely life

I want to lead a lonely life,
away from all the sorrow and evil.
Far away from the city's cacophony,
Amongst the trees dense, deep in the woods;
Listening to the Nature's rhythm:
The rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds,
The dancing of flowers to the melody of the breeze,
Lingering to mysef the song of my heart,
Strange and unheard to my own soul;
No wonder 'sole' rhymes with 'soul',
Soul solely helps us reach the goal,
So ... I want to lead a lonely life.
Away from all the tesion and obligation;
To lead a happy life?or is it sheer escapism?
Mounted with fear of being a failure;
Well .... cowards turn their backs to life.
Run away leaving behind the challenging strife.
In the pertext of listening to their soul.
Yes... soul does rhyme with sole
sole also means ego... hindrance to goal..
So... you want to lead a lonely life?
Things are thus, good and bad, accept it;
Life is thus, happy and sad, but live it;
Don't leave it.

( A thought that came to my mind after reading a blog post of a friend 'mounada maatu')


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