Why can't parents be like children?

Why can’t parents be like children?
Why can’t parents be like us?

Children are so innocent; even when they go around bantering,
Though they are behind the pranks, without a ray of diffidence!
Calmly wait for the consequence, optimistic in anticipation.
But parents are so suspicious; always go around searching,
Indicting the blame on the children with words sharp and dense
Impatient to wait for the results, ever agog for investigation.
Why can’t parents be like children?
Why can’t parents be like us?

We are so sensible, far sighted with a vision,
Always think in the long run, which reflects in every thought and action;
We wish to stroll in the sun and drench in the rain;
It is imperative for diseases to restrain.
Parents are so ludicrous,grown-up, but have no perception;
Each and every instruction reflects restriction and convention.
Didn’t they teach boiling and cooling milk is Pasteurisation?A method of milk conservation?
then why can’t they? Why can’t they understand the concept of hot-wet immunisation?
Parents are never like children; Why can’t parents be like children,
why can’t parents be like us?

We know our responsibilities, tough to manage amongst all attractions;
Growing number of films, hotels and oter places of recreation
Increases our duties and expectations, how can we shamble that film-producer’s emotion?
can we be happy when the producers are in tribulation?
Parents are so self-centred, bothered only about their creations,
were we not advised of this preconceived notion?
What about ‘LIVE AND LET LIVE’ policy that had received their approbation?
Can’t they understand our noble concept of economic co-operation?
Why can’t parents be like children ?Why can’t parents be like us?

We are so creative, we need not sit in a place
All through the year with our textbooks as the base;
Thoughts should be let free to wander as a dace;
Should be allowed to work in our own pace.
Don’t parents know that ‘SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE’?
Then why do they expect us to pace? Parents fail to understand this simple case.
Oh! They can never wear a child’s face.
Why can’t? why can’t parents be like children?
Why can’t parents be like us?

( This one was inspired by 'Why cant a woman?' from My fair lady. I remember when I wrote it. I had spent my afternoon seeing the movie 'My fair lady'. My father was upset as he thought I wasted my time. I had to reply to him. So I wrote to him this peice!! :P)


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