Indiscplined liberty.

Sixteen thousand people... all dressed in Khaki uniform, to hear their leader, the 6th Sarsanghchalak Mananiya Shri Mohan ji Bhagvath. I must say it was a sight to see. A speech worth its time and energy! This is not the first time that I have heard such a speech or seen such a sight. But this time there was something more that was not so pleasing.
The discipline that is exhibited by the swayamsevaks is usually blatantly in contrast to the disorganised behaviour of the general public, also present to hear the speech. but this time it was not so. A significant part of the younger swayamsevaks seemed to be on an excursion, happily roaming around the field, exhibiting complete disinterest in the speech which was meant to be the purpose of their visit. Busy eating icecreams, taking pictures and littering away the place... all this was agin by the younger swayamsevaks. All the swayamsevaks carry a danda (a bamboo stick five feet long) which is an integral part of their uniform. The aged carried danda in the prescribed way (behind the back parallel to the backbone) while the youngsters used it as a walking stick. It was an indication that the youngsters do need support , may be even morally!
There was another set of younger swayamsevaks who, giving lame excuses did not bother to come in uniform when most of the elders had taken pains to set their uniform to the best of their standards.
What does this mean? That discipline in Sangh is shortlived? That younger generation is not ready to be bound by any rules? That liberty and freedom have become so important that they are going to be abused as a matter of right in the coming years? I am not trying to indicate that the idealogy of sangh may be lost in the coming years. But the discipline? Hopefully not.


  1. Its not that discipline is shortlived in Sangh! The younger generation is so almost every where. Being in the taching profession for a decade , I have observed these changes at an alarming rate.


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