
Showing posts from August, 2010

Wake up... its burning!!

Its August 15, 2010. Its independence day today. 64 years ago, our leaders fought for freedom and independence. Finally we became the masters and makers of our destiny. For some of the most silly reasons, human errors, erractic egos, we divided the country. People who were cordial neighbours belonging to the same roots suddenly bacame staunch enemies. Like all enemies, we needed a reason for hate... We successfully found it ... Kashmir!! Since then, the valley of beauty and wonder has never seen peace, never experienced bliss. Since 1948, Kashmir has always faced wars, terror attacks, the so called 'cleansing missions' etc. The 1948 agresssion, the 1965 war, the 1989 cleansing mission which drove out all the Kashmiri Pandits from their homeland and the 1999 war again...Each one of these cowardly acts has made the valley unsafe. Call it our procrastinating attitude or appeasing politics, we have failed in establishing our hold on the valley not only in the internataional s